2024 Biomarkers of Aging Conference

The Premier Conference on Biomarkers of Aging

November 1-2 2024
The Joseph B. Martin Conference Center
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Anti-aging treatments are on the verge of becoming commercially available.

However, there is still a pressing need for standardized, clinically validated tools to accurately measure the aging process and quantitatively evaluate the effects of healthspan- and lifespan-extending interventions in humans. As the field continues to progress and grow, establishing these standards is essential for advancing our understanding and ensuring the success of future innovations.

2024 Speakers & Panelists

Austin Argentieri, PhD
Harvard University

Omar Abudayyeh, PhD
Harvard University

Nir Barzilai, MD
Albert Einstein
College of Medicine

Ed Boyden, PhD

Andrew Brack, PhD

Jason Buenrostro, PhD
Harvard University

Luigi Ferrucci, PhD
National Institute of Aging

Eric Morgen, MD
BioAge Labs

David Furman, PhD
Buck Institute

Vadim Gladyshev, PhD
Harvard University

Christin Glorioso,

NeuroAge Therapeutics

Dane Gobel
Methuselah Foundation

Dave Gobel
Methuselah Foundation

Jonathan Gootenberg, PhD
Harvard University

Sara Hägg, PhD
Karolinska Institutet

Chiara Herzog, PhD
University of Innsbruck

Steve Horvath, PhD
Altos Labs

Jamie Justice, PhD
XPRIZE Healthspan

Gordan Lauc, PhD
University of Zagreb

Xiao-Jun Ma, PhD
Alamar Biosciences

Raymond H. Mak, MD
Harvard University

Andrea Maier, MD, PhD

Riccardo E. Marioni, PhD
University of Edinburgh

Mahdi Moqri, PhD, MBA
Harvard University

Seth Paulson
Methuselah Foundation

Viviana Perez, PhD
Hevolution Foundation

Jesse Poganik, PhD
Harvard University

Julian Reinhard

Björn Schumacher, PhD
University of Cologne

Vittorio Sebastiano, PhD
Stanford University

Raghav Sehgal, PhD
Yale University

David Sinclair, PhD
Harvard University

Michael Snyder, PhD
Stanford University

Alexandra Stolzing, PhD
Loughborough University

Gavin Zhou, PhD
Regen Bio

Waylon Hastings, PhD
Texas A&M

Christian Behrens, PhD, RD

John Earls, PhD
Buck Institute

George Church, PhD
Wyss Institute

Jessica Lasky-Su, PhD
Harvard University

Jessica Kasamoto, MSc
Yale University

Alexander Tyshkovskiy, PhD
Harvard University

John Tsang, PhD
Yale University

Tina Woods, MBA
Collider Health

Eric Verdin, MD
Buck Institute

Tony Wyss-Coray, PhD
Stanford University

Kejun Albert Ying, PhD
Harvard University

2024 Conference Schedule

Friday, Nov 1:
Cutting-Edge Academic Science

  • Talks and Panels with world-leading Academic scientists. Topics include: omics and multi-omics biomarkers, molecular, digital/imaging, and physiological biomarkers, systemic aging and tissue/organ-specific biomarkers, longitudinal biomarkers, validation, and benchmarking

  • Poster Session and Flash Talks

  • Catered light breakfast, lunch, and refreshments

Saturday, Nov 2:
Translational, Clinical & Regulatory

  • Talks and Panels with global Industry leaders. Topics include: longevity biotech and aging biomarkers, biomarker standardization, qualifications, and regulation, biomarkers guided gerotherapeutics, clinical biomarkers and outcomes, role of open innovation, including XPRIZE Healthspan and Biomarkers of Aging Challenge, with presentations by winning teams.

  • Poster Session and Flash Talks

  • Catered light breakfast, lunch, and refreshments

2024 Sponsors & Media Partners

Funding for this conference was made possible, in part, by 1R13 AG092128-01 from NIA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Media Partners

Join us to celebrate another year of collaboration and progress towards developing validated biomarkers of aging.

Our inaugural Symposium on December 4th 2023 at the Buck Institute in Novato, California brought together over 300 participants and featured 33 speakers from diverse areas of our community, including representatives from numerous research institutions, regulatory agencies, big pharma, NGOs, clinical practices, and biopharma startups. Check out the 2023 highlights here.